soul and purpose

"Through my paintings I hope to communicate a personal enthusiasm and respect for the natural world, thus encourage in others an active stewardship of same." -- JEANNE ILLENYE

Faberge Easter Egg Lily of the Valley still life oil painting LITTLE GEMS

Faberge Easter Egg
4x4 inches oil on panel
Exquisitely detialed with seed perals and diamonds, the original Faberge Easter egg was commissioned by Tsar Nicholas II in 1898 for his beloved wife Tsarina Alexandra.  This sparticular egg was her favorite as it held images of Tsar Nicholas II, Grand Dutchess Olga and Grand Dutchess Tatiana.  It became a hallmark of beauty and technical expertise by the world renowned artisal Carl Faberge, whose work remains unsurpassed to this day.

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I was published in Visual Language Magazine


Blessed are those who see beautiful things in humble places where others see nothing.

names of colors A-Z